Serving the Vacaville CA area for all your floral needs

Sprinkle Sparkle Bouquet  in Vacaville, CA | Stems Florist
Sprinkle Sparkle Bouquet
Brighten your Christmas with a bouquet of vibrant red roses and winter greens, beautifully arranged in a hand-painted ceramic ornament jar with sparkling stars. It's perfect for holding wrapped candies and holiday treats afterward!
Oh What Fun Bouquet  in Vacaville, CA | Stems Florist
Oh What Fun Bouquet
Celebrate the season with this delightful Thomas Kinkade collectible, nestled among festive red roses and winter greens-a memorable gift that lights up with a classic ice skating scene for extra holiday joy.
Snowflake Symphony  in Vacaville, CA | Stems Florist
Snowflake Symphony
Celebrate the spirit of Christmas with this enchanting red rose bouquet, artfully arranged in a timeless stoneware serving dish centerpiece. Hand-painted and food-safe, it's adorned with charming snowflake details, adding a delightful touch of seasonal cheer.
Designer's Choice  in Vacaville, CA | Stems Florist
Designer's Choice
Leave it up to us! A special, one of a kind holiday inspired bouquet you cannot find anywhere else!